Turborepo Examples
Clone a Turborepo starter repository to get a head start on your monorepo.
Minimal Turborepo example for learning the fundamentals.examples/basic
Monorepo with multiple SvelteKit apps sharing a UI Libraryexamples/with-svelte
Design System
Unify your site's look and feel by sharing a design system across multiple apps.examples/design-system
Monorepo with a Gatsby.js and a Next.js app both sharing a UI Libraryexamples/with-gatsby
Kitchen Sink
Want to see a more in-depth example? Includes multiple frameworks, both frontend and backend.examples/kitchen-sink
React Native
Simple React Native & Next.js monorepo with a shared UI libraryexamples/with-react-native-web
Create React App
Simple Create React App monorepo with a shared UI libraryexamples/with-create-react-app
Monorepo with an Express API and a Next.js App deployed with Docker utilizing turbo pruneexamples/with-docker
Monorepo with Changesets
Simple Next.js monorepo preconfigured to publish packages via Changesetsexamples/with-changesets
Example of using Turborepo in a single project without workspacesexamples/non-monorepo
Monorepo with a Next.js App fully configured with Prismaexamples/with-prisma
Monorepo with a single Next.js app sharing a UI library bundled with Rollupexamples/with-rollup
Tailwind CSS
Monorepo with multiple Next.js apps sharing a UI Library all using Tailwind CSS with a shared configexamples/with-tailwind
Monorepo with multiple Vanilla JS apps bundled with Vite, sharing a UI Libraryexamples/with-vite
Monorepo with Vue and Nuxt, sharing a UI Libraryexamples/with-vue-nuxt
For even more examples and starters, see the Turborepo examples directory on GitHub (opens in a new tab).