
Getting Started with Turbopack

Turbopack is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust by the creators of webpack and Next.js (opens in a new tab) at Vercel (opens in a new tab).

The secret to Turbopack's performance is twofold: highly optimized machine code and a low-level incremental computation engine that enables caching down to the level of individual functions. Once Turbopack performs a task it never does it again.

Our team has taken the lessons from 10 years of webpack, combined with the innovations in incremental computation from Turborepo and Google's Bazel, and created an architecture ready to support the coming decades of computing.

Turbopack is currently in beta. It is not yet ready for production use. We appreciate your support and feedback as we work to make it ready for everyone.


As of today, Turbopack can be used in Next.js v13. In the future we will be releasing a standalone CLI, plugin API, and support for other frameworks such as Svelte and Vue. For now, please follow these instructions to get started:

New Projects

  1. Create a Next.js v13 project with Turbopack:
npx create-next-app --example with-turbopack
  1. Start the Next.js development server (with Turbopack):
npm run dev

The Next.js v13 development server is now powered by Turbopack! Startup and updates should both be near-instant. The larger the application, the larger the improvement will be.

Existing Projects

Add --turbo to your next dev command:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev --turbo"

Next Steps

Want to learn more about Turbopack? Here's a deep dive on what we think makes it special.

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